Sunday, 29 January 2012

Reports and General Journal Entry

Reports/General Journal
First of all we open the peachtree and select the Explore a sample company and click it.

After clicking Peachtree show the two sample companies. We select one company and click Ok button.

After clicking Peachtree opened the sample company.

After opening we click Report TAB and select General Ledger option and click it.
After clicking software open the following window. This window shown all Area of company Accounts.
We select the General Ledger in Report Area.

After clicking software show the farther Report List. we select General Journal Account and click it.

After selecting software show companies General Journal Accounts. This is all accounts of sample company.

If we show all accounts in Excel than we click the option of Excel. This option shows the top of the window. We click it.

After clicking show the 2 file option we select one of tham.for a new worksheet we select 1st option and if we editing in old sheet we select the second option. And click Ok button.

After clicking software automatically copy all accounts in Excel sheet.

After that we save it.

Credit Mamo

A Credit Memo (short for "credit memorandum") is a commercial document issued by a Seller to a Buyer, indicating the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services that the Seller provided the Buyer with, but Buyer returned or did not receive. It may also be issued in the case of errors or allowances. A Credit Memo can reduce or eliminate the amount that the Buyer has to pay the seller in respect of the original Invoice issued earlier.
First of all we select Credit Memo on the tasks Tab and click it.

Customer ID: we select the customer  on Customer ID Tab and click it.

Date: we select the date of return in the Tab of date.
Credit No: write Credit No on Credit No Tab.

After that we select the Invoice no. click Apply to Invoice No and select Invoice.
Returned: the total Quantity of Returned write on the Returned Tab. All returned item select sequentlley and give the return Quantity.

After that we click the Save Option and save it.

Vendor Credit Memo

Customer return Goods to vendor is called Vendor Credit Memo.
First of all we select Vendor Credit Memo in the task menu and click it.

Vendor ID: we select the vendor and click it.

We select the Invoice No in the Tab of Apply to Invoice No and click it.
Returned: the total amount of returned written on this tab.

After completing memo we click Save/Ok button.


We select the payment option on the task Manu.

After that we select the Vendor on Vendor ID block.

After selecting the vendor, software give the invoice number automatically. We select given invoice No and click Check to PAY bar. We are only check to the given invoice.

After completing this process we click Save/Ok button.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Purchase Receive Inventory

Purchase/Receive Inventory
First of all we go to the task menu and select the Purchase receive inventory and click it.

After clicking following screen will open automatically. In purchase order screen we fill out all information block.

2nd step: we select the vendor ID on the given block and click it.
3rd step: we write down address of vendor where the shipment will be sending in ship to field.
4th step: issued date of purchase order written on Date field.
5th step: method of delivery written on Ship via field.
6th step: select the account payable account in Account Payable field.
7th step: Quantity of purchasing order written on Quantity field.
8th step: par unit price enter in the Unit Price field.
9th step: we select the item in Item field.
10th step: give the invoice number in Invoice No field.

11th step: After that we save the all information and click on the SAVE button.

                                       Purchase Order
A buyer generated document that authorized a purchase transaction. When accepted by the seller, it becomes a contract binding on both parties.

Step:1 First of all we go to the task menu and click on Purchase Order bar.

After clicking following screen will open automatically. In purchase order screen we fill out all information block.

2nd step: we select the vendor ID on the given block and click it.
3rd step: we write down address of vendor where the shipment will be sending in ship to field.
4th step: issued date of purchase order written on Date field.
5th step: method of delivery written on Ship via field.

6th step: select the account payable account in Account Payable field.
7th step: Quantity of purchasing order written on Quantity field.
8th step: par unit price enter in the Unit Price field.
9th step: we select the item in Item field.

10th step: After that we save the all information and click on the SAVE button.

Friday, 6 January 2012



First of all we open the TASKS option and select Receipts and click it.

After that software appears the following window. In this window we give all information about customer or vendor.

You fill out Deposit ticket ID block, we write down bank deposit slip no, on this block. And select the customer ID, select the customer or vendor from payment have to receive.

After selecting customer or vendor we check the Pay tab.
Amount Paid: in this block software write down paid amount automatically.

Cash Account: select the cash from the Cash Account field.

Payment Method:we select the payment method in payment field like Cash, Check etc.

After giving all information we click SAVE button.